baby boomer definition

Understanding the Baby Boomers Definition

The term Baby Boomer pertains to the people who was born during the soaring of birth rates just as the economy continuously prosper in numerous countries during the post war years.

In America, the term is directly synonymous to the people whose birth year's fall before the war in Vietnam and after the Second World War (WW II). Hence, Baby Boomers possibly cover one generation or more.

The term Baby Boom also depicts the population as well as culture of the Americans. This is contrary to the demographics shown throughout the world during the post WW II, which did not present the American families' sustained growth.


The start of Baby Boomer generation is classified into different designations. Steve Gallion, writer of the book Boomer Nation, divided the Baby boomer in two groups: boomers who were born from 1945 to 1957; while the other is the so-called "Shadow Boomers" who were born from 1958 to 1963.

The Shadow Boomers, however, is not taken as proper name to refer to Baby Boomers in some instances. The term "Echo Boomers" is more accepted as the proper substitute to Shadow Boomers.

Another two writers, Neil Howe and William Strauss, stated in their book Generations that people born from 1961 to 1964 encompass cultural as well as political patterns, very much alike as compared to those who were born from 1955 to 1960.

There is also the Thirteenth Generation, as writers termed it. The Thirteenth Generation is also called as Generation X, the Generation of Cold War, this refer to the people born from 1961 to 1981.

Howe and Strauss succeeded in creating influence. There were approximately more than 79 Million babies who were given birth on that generation.

There is also an argument that the start of Baby Boomers can be traced back to the Vietnam War. But there are claims that the right defining event is the age band of the Hippies, The Beatles, and The Motown Sound.

Tracing Back

During the Great Depression including WW II, there had been lots of adversity, and uncertainties spread out. Because of these, the unmarried couples were triggered to delay their marriage, while the married couples were triggered to delay on having an offspring.

However, right after the war has ended; there had been a boost in the economy, from about the 1950s to early 1960s, and this goes along with the boost in population-the period of Baby Boom.

The increase of population, the families' growth prompted several families to move from cities into suburbs during the years of post war. Likewise there had been a boom of building constructions such as for shopping malls, housing and for schools.

The influence of national culture was also seen on the boomers as they arrived on their young adulthood between the years of 1960s and 1970s, it was depicted on their hair styles, outfits, and even in their choice of music. It was also reflected on their political activism.

As the Boomers grew older in the 1980s and 1990s, their purchasing habits becomes very much in favor for the numerous consumer industries because of their great numbers. However, as these boomers reached the years of their retirement, public resources were already anticipated to be strained.

Baby Boomers, Facing New Generation

The generation of Baby Boomers have created numerous handles like the educated, immoral, spoiled, hippies, lazy and many more. But the generation of today has a challenge set out for them to face the idea of retirement.

The Baby Boomers are now in their 50s and beyond. They are old enough to be considered as senior citizens. However, ABC News featured on its original report on the 10th of January this year, that the Baby Boomers remade the meaning of aging.

If Baby Boomers will be compared to their parents, the boomers are considered better educated and healthier. The report also stated that boomers tend to live well in their 80s or beyond it.

Because of these, they are regarded to enjoy new passions, and they also got the opportunity in reinventing themselves.

Indeed, the period of Baby Boom, where there had been a bubble in the birth rate along with the soaring economy, is a remarkable period that follows WW II.

The estimated 79 Million Baby Boomers stand for the sole biggest demographic group that is in existence these days.

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